MASTER & Co. is a fashion label which produces basic and classic items with a modern feel.
By making full use of Japanese craftsmanship, added by the craftsmen's passion and skill, we continue to seek what to become a new standard.
No matter where you are from, or how old you are, our products can be loved and used for a long period of time.
As you let the products age, you would appreciate the craftsmanship more. The longer you use, the more attached you'd become.
We present ageless, genderless and all-year items that are free in spirit and new in its own definition of “standard.
定番と呼ばれるものに、今の一味を加え、日本の職人技を駆使し、新しい、今にそったスタンダードを提案し、国別、性別なく、年齢に関わらず、長く気に入ってもらえるものを、技術とこだわりで追求し組み合わるという想いをカタチにしたのが MASTER & Co.です。